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Why are so many engineers unemployed?

MOST OF youths in India have this trend of joining engineering or medical colleges after opting for science in 11th or 12th . Many of them don’t have any passion for engineering and regret it later!
the first mistake some do is when they take science in 11th and 12th;
No interest, no exposure and parental or society’s pressure make them join engineering colleges; In India, A normal Engineering student is pursuing engineering because everybody is doing so !
And that’s how the story of worthless degrees and unemployable graduates start!

Demand and supply According to the HRD ministry, India has 6,214 engineering and technology institutions which are enrolling 2.9 million students. Around 1.5 million engineers are released into the job market every year.
in the years of late 90s and the beginning of 2000s, there was a wide shortage of the engineers in India; very few engineers who got graduated from good institutes. Companies were in search of engineers and were having a lot of vacancies. Salaries were also growing at an increasing rate of nearly 10-30%. This led the Government’s and the private companies to construct new engineering colleges, which delighted the parents and students with delicious carrots. Everyone rushed into the field of engineering and suddenly the institutes got flooded with students and the markets with engineering graduates
Students in Engineering Colleges are more interested in MOVIES/Films/serials/games/dance/singing/acting/festivals than Education
Most of the faculty don't know what they are teaching. faculties are not well trained and inexperience. Therefore, you cannot expect their student to be expert in basic concepts like Databases, coding, drafting, cam,cad, etc.
There is no creativity, no application of concepts learned in college. Teachers and faculties only want to give marks and not the proper education,the college faculty, labs , facilities and exposure. many colleges simply run a business to earn money in the name of engineering . they don’t even care about their teaching faculty , student’s welfare, placement record etc
Gap between the generations of technology that is used in the industry & what is taught to an engineer in the institute is huge, industry needs good exposure to the subjects of their business.
Outdated learning - learning basics is one thing, but learning ancient programming languages
In private sectors in India, the salary for a fresher engineer is very less. This is one of the main reasons engineers don't survive and keep changing the jobs and out of frustration. 
The candidates from lower tier cities are not getting the same opportunities as those hailing from Tier-1 cities, even if they are equally qualified and skilled. The chances of finding a job for such a person is 24 per cent lower and the earning per-year salary would also be Rs 66,000 lesser
Tier 3 cities are the one with the lowest employability rate. This is because of the insufficient infrastructure for developing skilled specific knowledge

Less willpower of government to shut useless engineering colleges and creation of jobs
Companies are prone to visiting only top colleges to recruit potential employees. Thus, resumes from relatively unknown colleges do not get shortlisted.
THE lack of English communicative skills, which they found in 73.63 per cent of candidates, and low analytical and quantitative skills, which they discovered in 57.96 per cent of candidates to be other main reasons for unemployment.
Soft skills have become very important in the present job industry, but they are routinely ignored in educational institutes.
Job security is also one reason of all. Many employers in many companies don't get job security
It's good to produce engineers but what about sacrificing of quality, It's a bitter truth that we have contaminated the engineering,
In recent times, engineering has become just another stream to pursue graduation
There are many vacancies in companies but their’s no good engineer!
