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Showing posts from November, 2017

Is unemployed a phase or struggle for a person?

If you see it on micro level it’s a struggle Ever since, one graduate( or get fired) have a goal how to get job , but in between the time of getting job and staying home doing nothing; is just a struggle, like You burning yourself out ; You blame yourself, even though you've sent your resume to hundreds of places. You can’t sleep or wake up in peace . Sometimes, you feel like the only time you feel happy is when you sleep, but you have to wake up and look up for jobs instead. You can’t even feel comfortable at home because you feel like you’re disturbing your family, since you don't have a job; You lose hope after every bad job interview. The sentence “We’ll call you later” is sickening. You miss your childhood , You dream of going back to those days, in which you wanted to grow up and start working, with a little smile on your face. There’s risk of losing self-confidence over the “unemployment” status but if you see it on macro level it’s just a phase mos

Indian unemployment rate is only 3.69%, i.e., only 3.69 out of 100 people are unemployed. So why does everyone say unemployment is very high in India?

India’s unemployment rate is much higher than 3.69%. Governments always alter the statistics to look good but in this instance, it is beyond comprehension. Similarly USA also doesn't have 5% unemployment rate. It is much higher. From 1983 till 2011, Unemployment rates in India averaged 9 percent reaching an all-time high of 9.4 percent in December 2010 and a record l ow of 3.8 Percent in December 2011. In India, the unemployment rate measures the number of people actively looking for a job as a percentage of the labour force. It should be number of people actively looking for a job as a percentage of the employable people. The number of unemployed people in India decreased to 39963 thousand in 2009 from 39974 thousand in 2007. Unemployed persons in India averaged 36933 thousand from 1985 until 2012, reaching an all-time h igh of 41750 thousand in 2001 and a record low of 24861 thousand in 1985 . In India, unemployed persons are individuals who are without a job

If BJP have full majority in India, then why don't they remove the reservation system?

Warning:- Bad English and personal views! I don’t think that BJP will ever try to remove reservation and even if they have a slight amount of interest they would do it in first 2 years, now its over ; it’s just a political scam now! Majority of the country’s population falls in reserved category ( SC- approx. 20% of total population on of India; ST-approx. 9% of total population of India; OBC-approx. 41 % of total population of India ) and the rest are the general or upper caste! Upper Caste - Those who thought they belongs to some special breed are now facing the karma ! People who never treat lower caste people as proper human, they still don’t feel like they are even human they are just following the old school tradition without second thought and feel superior over other castes and pure and don’t give the shit about other’s respect, most of them without realizing or being aware of their's actions! (Sorry! to mention but that a social truth) and it happens in democ

What is the reason behind unemployment in India?

The following are the main causes of unemployment: (i) Limited land: Land is the gift of nature. It is always constant and cannot expand like population growth. Since, India population increasing rapidly, therefore, the land is not sufficient for the growing population. As a result, there is heavy pressure on the land. In rural areas, most of the people depend directly on land for their livelihood. Land is very limited in comparison to population. It creates the unemployment situation for a large number of persons who depend on agriculture in rural areas. (ii) Slow Economic Growth: Indian economy is underdeveloped and role of economic growth is very slow. This slow growth fails to provide enough unemployment opportunities to the increasing population. (iii) Increase in Population: It is the leading cause of unemployment in Rural India. In India, particularly in rural areas, the population is increasing rapidly. It has adversely affected the unemploym

What are all the difficulties you face in India for being unemployed?

Once upon a time, you couldn't wait to graduate and start looking for a proper job. You thought you were such a big deal - with your untapped enthusiasm. You can't believe how naive you once were. You want the ability to time travel so you can punch YOURSELF in the face. Here’s my experience as i am unemployed for 3 years and there are some pros and some cons (mostly cons), Cons You feel responsible for your family. You feel like you’re disappointing them after their effort to send you to college since you became unemployed at the end. You can’t go out and hang out with your friends, even though you want to (Secretly you don’t want to, as you are unemployed) You burn yourself out . You blame yourself, even though you've sent your resume to hundreds of places You can’t sleep or wake up in peace . Sometimes, you feel like the only time you feel happy is when you sleep, but you have to wake up and look up for jobs instead. You can’t even feel comfortabl