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What are all the difficulties you face in India for being unemployed?

Once upon a time, you couldn't wait to graduate and start looking for a proper job. You thought you were such a big deal - with your untapped enthusiasm. You can't believe how naive you once were. You want the ability to time travel so you can punch YOURSELF in the face.Here’s my experience as i am unemployed for 3 years and there are some pros and some cons (mostly cons),
  • You feel responsible for your family. You feel like you’re disappointing them after their effort to send you to college since you became unemployed at the end.
  • You can’t go out and hang out with your friends, even though you want to (Secretly you don’t want to, as you are unemployed)
  • You burn yourself out. You blame yourself, even though you've sent your resume to hundreds of places
  • You can’t sleep or wake up in peace. Sometimes, you feel like the only time you feel happy is when you sleep, but you have to wake up and look up for jobs instead.
  • You can’t even feel comfortable at home because you feel like you’re disturbing your family, since you don't have a job;
  • You can’t even fall in love… It’s a luxury to fall in love when you don’t have money.
  • You lose hope after every bad job interview. The sentence “We’ll call you later” is sickening.
  • You feel like you’re not making any progress, while people your age are improving their careers. You think of how lucky they are.
  • You miss your childhood, You dream of going back to those days, in which you wanted to grow up and start working, with a little smile on your face.
  • You dread meeting new people because at some point, they'll ask what you do for a living
  • You've stopped checking your bank balance
  • You've worn pajamas for so long that this is you feel strange when you put proper clothes on.
  • There's nothing quite like the soul-crushing, ego-shriveling experience of comparing your day to that of an employed person's
  • Going to a restaurant with employed friends is a torturous experience.
  • There’s risk of losing self-confidence over the “unemployment” status
  • After all, being unemployed is practically a full-time job.
  • Not Having to Wake up to the Alarm Clock. It can be a benefit not hearing that alarm clock, and wheezing around like a rat
  • Get in shape.That's something else I always knew I should do
  • People are always telling you that they envy you because you're not stuck in an office all day. And you're all, "No, I'm not stuck in an office all day. I'm stuck in my house because everyone I could be doing stuff with is stuck in an office all day."
  • Start your own business. It is time to start you own business.
  • Connect with family and friends. They won’t give cheap talk about the weather or the game (that you didn’t even watch) .
